About 關於我們

                    Thread can form into a fabric ; fabric can assemble into any fabric products, such as clothes. When they became worn, they can accumulate into the landfill ; while they can also become back to thread and produce infinite possibilities.


Up Stitch hopes more people could learn about fabric craft, at the same time, we could help to solve the problem of old clothes waste together.


Fabric craft is a culture with a long history. Therefore, we hope more people could learn this skill. And also, preserve this craftsmanship.

By experiencing the time-consuming process of fabric craft and understanding the materials or structure of the clothes, we hope people will treasure their clothes more. Therefore, lasting the clothes longer, reducing the purchasing of fast fashion, and choosing second-hand clothes or sustainable brands.

On the other hand, if the things you crafted became boring to you after a while, you can unravel them back into threads and craft a new object again.

Fabric craft is a set of motion that is repetitive with rhythm. Similar to meditation and yoga, fabric craft can help to improve mental health. Also, it can bring a sense of success to increase the feeling of well-being.



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